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The mission of Family Caregiver Alliance is to improve the quality of the life for family caregivers and the people who receive their care. Find out more about our work.

We are excited to provide many resources in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog.

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Caring for Another

Find in-depth information and tips on a wide variety of caregiving topics.

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Learn important strategies for maintaining your own well-being as a caregiver.


Log in to our secure online service for personal service. A staff member will contact you to help you find the resources you need.

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Find Services In Your State

Select your state to find a list of service organizations that provide resources near you and your loved ones.

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Best Practice Caregiving

Providers can reference this database for information on more than 40 proven U.S. dementia caregiving programs.

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Can I get paid to care for a family member?

Can I get paid to care for a family member?

How can I find someone to help care for my family member at home?

How can I find someone to help care for my family member at home?

Help! I need a break! How can I find respite care?

Help! I need a break! How can I find respite care?

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